My Blind Audition! Translated just for you!
My friends and family who came to support me
Photo: Sat 1./ Prosieben
Photo: Sat 1./ Prosieben
Photo: Sat 1./ Prosieben
(scroll down for the translation)
For those of you who receive my Black Swift Newsletter, you might already know some of this story, but I'll share it for those of you who don't yet. Back at the beginning of this year, I received an email from a talent scout for The Voice of Germany asking if I would like to audition for the show. I had actually received an email the year before, but since I was planning on being in the States for a couple of months during the time when a lot of filming would take place, I knew it wasn't possible. So when the second email came, I had a lot to consider. I honestly had never really seen the show. I'd seen a couple of youtube videos here and there and knew the general concept, but had never seen a whole season. Ended up calling the talent scout with my concerns- I'm not the pop start type, I'm more of an underground rock n' roller and it's very, very important to me to stay authentic- meaning, I can't sing just any song, I need a song that I love and believe in to be able to do it in a way that I feel good about. He told me that having talents on the show that are diverse and authentically themselves was an important part of the show. So since the first auditions were non-conctractual, I decided to give it a try. I also got connected with someone who was on last season's show and asked him all kinds of questions about it, most of which made me feel better about giving it a try. I'm at the point in my career where a boost in my fan base is what I need to afford the time to continue to produce music! This really is a huge gift to me!
So after an audition in Stuttgart, and then an audition in Berlin, I received a phone call inviting me to come for the filming of the Blind Auditions!
So here is the transcript, translated by me of my "home story," Blind Audition and talk with the coaches.
Sally: My name is Sally Grayson, I’m 40 years old, originally from Michigan, but since 11 years, I live near Stuttgart.
This is my great art studio and I want you to meet my family.
This is my family- Hi!
My great son, Cedrik, my beautiful daughter Stella, and this is my husband- great husband, great artist.
I’ve been married to Markus Merkle for 10 years, he is also an artist.
Life as an artist is very hard. There isn't a consistent income. My husband works as an art teacher. I teach english or whatever jobs come to see that we have enough money.
I am an artist and musician. That is my goal and that is my passion.
Thore: Sally, hello, and how are you “Black Swift” or can I call you Sally?
Sally: Musically, I have my band called Black Swift. I play shows where I can, where I’m welcome.
Thore: I can tell as soon as someone is around you they are in a good mood, you have a great energy.
Sally: Thank you
Veronika: and you notice that on stage, she brings that with her.
Markus: Rock n’ Roll!
Sally: Now at the Voice of Germany, I’m so excited to be a part of this. It’s simply time. I’ve been working for so long with my music and I’m so thankful to have this chance.
I’m so so excited that it's finally time to get on this stage!
I’m going to go out on this stage and sing for my family.
Smudo: okay friends its starting
Song "Love Cats" by The Cure
3 buzzers!!!
Veronika: now someone please turn around
Michi: not bad
Friends: (chanting) turn around, turn around
Andreas: Welcome- hello, hello, what’s your name?
Sally: my name is Sally Grayson
Andreas: I’m excited- what a refreshing performance, sensational!
Michi: what refreshing person!
Andreas: yes, what a refreshing person.
Sally: can I play it again maybe? That was so fun!
Michi: I think you’ll do that again a couple more times in this show.
Andreas: I think so too, I see you accompanied yourself with your instrument, I’m guessing you’ve been playing music for awhile?
Sally: yes, I’ve been playing music for a long time
Andreas: what do you do, do you write your own songs?
Sally: yes, I write songs, I have a band called “Black Swift” but when I play solo, its also called “Black Swift”
Andreas: I think we should pay attention to the name “Black Swift”. What is your goal for being on the voice of Germany?
Sally: I want to change the world with music
Michi: YES, thats a great reason, that's a really great reason!
Smudo: now we know where you want to go, where are you from?
Sally: I’m originally from Michigan, but live near Stuttgart
Michi: then all the arguments are over, together we should change the world with music. We are here for you.
Sally: thank you!
Samu: how old are you?
Sally: oh, this question again…
Samu: we are all 19 here.
Sally: I’m 40! Now the world knows.
Samu: Sally, what do you think- why are you not playing at the Mercedes Benz arena? Why are you here?
Sally: because I’m playing there next week.
Michi: yeah, Sally’s in a good mood.
Samu: with this attitude, yeah, anything’s possible. I think you stay as you are, this underground, crazy, 40 year old (points to himself) 40 year old, girl. You play your music, you write your songs, and you just need a little elevator, and with this little elevator, you can take a nice trip to the penthouse, in this team.
Sally: you promise?
Andreas: yes, you need to choose. I don’t want to make any empty promises like penthouse and bla bla, that sounds really nice, but being a musician is simply work. In the best case when that works, it can happen with a penthouse. I’d love to go on this journey with you whether with or without penthouse.
Samu: but Andreas is too young and too sweet, these guys are too rap, and this no ear bunny didn't turn, and I am almost too perfect, but do your thing.
Sally: youre making this hard for me. But I’ll make a decision, I’m going with Team Fanta.
Photos by Sat 1. Prosieben
Insider Scoop:
Some things that got cut out of my conversation with them. At some point, I said to them- “Okay I have a question for you all. So I’m more of an underground person. Which one of you will give me a song that I believe in so that I can give it my all and sing it with passion?”
There was all kinds of discussion, and I felt good about the answers that Team Fanta gave me. I also talked with them more than what was seen on TV- they were pretty funny. For instance, when I said I was from Michigan, Michi said, “Michi-gan!” And when I was talking I said in a sentence the words “die da” which is the name of one of their songs and Michi said, “she said ‘Die Da!’
I felt from the beginning that Team Fanta was the team I should go with. After the Blind Audition show was over, they came up to me without the cameras and asked- "So what do you want to sing, or rather, what do you not want to sing at all." We had a little conversation about that, which I was thankful for. This next part, the battles is that part that made me the most nervous because this is where I have no control. They choose who I sing with, and they choose which song I will sing. That's why it was really important to me to make it clear that I want a good song that I like. So you'll have to just wait and see what happens in the next round!