Gold Medal Flour Building
Sally Grayson | Gold Medal Flour Building | Oil on Canvas | 1994 | Private Collection
This was one of my favorite buildings in Minneapolis long before it was renovated and made into a museum. I used to slowly driver or bike by this building and just admire it's beautiful decay. Finally, I spent some time in front of the building and attempted to paint its grandeur. One of the days I was there with some friends, some folks came by and asked if we had ever been in the building and if we wanted to check out the inside. I jumped at the chance. What an experience that was- climbing up a stair case and then eventually up across a rusty staircase (the one that makes those gorgeous shadows). It was just as mysterious and intriguing on the inside as on the outside.
Today the Gold Medal Flour Building is a museum and this painting was sold to collectors in the renovated and beautiful condos that are Gold Medal Flour Buildings neighbors.