The Tender Rebellion

For years, I’ve believed in the power of non-violence—the way movements like the Civil Rights movement and Gandhi’s resistance led to change through peaceful means. I’ve admired the courage it takes to stand against injustice without raising a fist. I still believe this should always be the first step. But the more I listen, the more I understand that this perspective comes from my privilege. I’ve never lived under occupation. I’ve never fought for my freedom only to be met with violence at every turn.

A Palestinian friend pointed out to me that non-violence can be weaponized to keep oppressed people in their place—to discourage them from fighting back. And that truth sits heavy with me. Because I hate violence. I hate the suffering it brings. I long for a world where we find another way—where conflict, whether personal or global, doesn’t spiral into endless cycles of harm.

This new collage series, The Tender Rebellion, is my way of holding space for that tension. It’s about resisting the urge to numb out, about staying tender in a hardened world, about longing for reconciliation even when the path there sometimes feels impossible. It’s about wanting to find beauty and believing that we are smart enough to find ways whether interpersonal or globally to resolve conflicts and disputes. It’s not about having all the answers, but about refusing to stop asking the questions. And really it’s about longing for peace, but knowing that what comes between us and true peace, is fighting for systems that are just for all.

I hope these pieces speak to you. I hope they stir something—maybe even a bit of rebellion.

All works are 150, Euros each, if you are interested, please email me at:
It’s first come first serve and we can talk about how to best get your favorite shipped to you!

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